Thursday, March 25, 2010


In today's ever-shrinking job market it's vital to be one step ahead of your competition. Why waste your time searching all over the internet for jobs when SportsMedia Jobs has everything you need and more. Offering members access to a job databank for radio and tv professionals, as well as articles on the business, Q&A opportunities with some of the top sports journalist and broadcasters in the country as well as the chance to call someone already in todays profession a mentor. Sports Media Jobs is your one-stop shop if your looking to break into the business or if your already there and want to keep up with the latest news and movements by your peers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Revised Plan

Thank you all for your feedback, it was extremely helpful!

I really like the idea of a "mentorship-type" role for those who have graduated, moved into the field and are still willing to help students looking to get a foot in the door. To begin, I think this would be about using my own network and reaching out to people I may know who are willing to serve as mentors on the site. From there, hopefully, people will continue to find success and then want to stay a part of the website.

Its these mentors as well as any other sports journalist that I can come into contact with who will be answering questions as part of the Q&A. I would definitely be open to a skype-like Q&A session for the members.

The site will be interactive. Members can link to outside sites that they are apart of, such as Linkeden. 

Bonnie, you bring up a good point about people not wanting to pay a monthly fee, but I know in my own experience that a month or two may be all I need to find the information I'm looking for. I am willing to be persuaded otherwise!

The jobs would be found through research done on other sites and then back-checked with the station or network. I, or whoever is behind-the-scenes at the site would be doing the research. I would hope that as the site grows employers would approach me about openings to post for the members.

I would not charge those who would like to list their jobs. The base of the revenue would come (eventually) from advertisements and the membership fee. Monthly membership would be $7 and a full year would be $75.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pitch Idea

A comprehensive sports journalism website aimed at job seekers and those currently in the sports journalism industry.

The site would consist mainly of subscribers that would pay a monthly fee. For any visitors, they would be able to access a limited amount of information off of the site. They would not have access to the job seeker portion of the site.

For subscribers: I envision this portion of the site as a type of Facebook. Each member would create a profile page, complete with bio, a resume and a video reel (if they have one available). You would be able to interact with all other members through private messaging which would essentially be email addresses. 
  • Subscribers would also have total access to a job databank that lists all of the available sports journalism/broadcasting jobs in the country
  • I think monthly Q&A's with those who are already in the profession would be helpful. These could be done 1 of 2 ways: in a live chat room featuring subscribers and the main subject or a Q&A written out in a story form available to subscribers to read.
  • The site would also pull articles from around the country that pertain to the sports journalism world.
  • Member chat rooms started by the members on any subject matter relating to sports, sports journalism/broadcasting
For non-subscribers
  • They would have the chance to read through any of the articles (which would be archived) and they would be teased with portions of the Q&A's.
  • They would have no access to the "Facebook"-type portion of the site and they would also not have access to the job databank.
->The site would further be broken down by industry. So articles and jobs related to radio would be in one section, articles and jobs related to TV in another, etc. 
->All of the Q&A's would be archived as such by the date they were posted on the site.
->The site would be updated with new articles every day. Q&A's would be weekly or bi-weekly and the jobs would be posted as they come out.

I really envision this site being a place where those who are looking to break into the profession go for the latest on open jobs, articles on the sports journalism field, as well as a place where they have the opportunity to chat with or read about some of the people who are already making a living in the sports journalism world.

I would also want to make it interactive enough to the point that professionals continue to come back to the site to read the articles, keep up the interactive social feature and possibly participate in the Q&A's. 

This site would be a Facebook meets meets national sports journalism news site.